Research has found that some vegetables and spices that are easily available in Thailand can effectively reduce the amount of fat in the blood, the root cause of heart and blood vessel disease.
High blood fat is one of the health hazards that many Thai people suffer from without realizing it. And when fat accumulates more, the arteries become narrowed or blocked, which is the cause of coronary artery disease or cerebrovascular disease, which results in myocardial ischemia. From studies, it was found that some vegetables and spices. That are easily found in our country can also effectively reduce the amount of fat in the blood.
12 local vegetables that can reduce fat in the blood
Chili pepper
Chili pepper It gives a spicy taste that Thai people love. It is used in almost every type of Thai food. It also contains a red carotenoid called “capsantin” which helps increase the level of good cholesterol.
tomato It is a vegetable that is high in lycopene, has antioxidant properties and can reduce the level of bad cholesterol. From studies, it was found that if you eat tomatoes as your main food regularly, 7-10 meals a week. It will reduce the risk of heart and blood vessel disease. However, heating tomatoes will result in a higher level of lycopene, which is more beneficial than eating them raw.
Fresh garlic
Fresh garlic It is commonly use in almost all types of Thai food. It has a unique pungent smell and taste. It contains allicin and ajoin, which have the effect of inhibiting the process of cholesterol production in the body and preventing the formation of fat clogging the blood vessels.
Black pepper
Black pepper It is a plant that is recognize as the king of spices. With a pungent smell and a hot taste. It can be used to make dry pepper as a food seasoning. Black pepper contains an important substance called “piperine” that can reduce the absorption of cholesterol from the small intestine into the bloodstream.
Contains tannin, which helps to inhibit the process of fat digestion in the intestines, preventing the consumed fat. From being absorbed into the bloodstream. And being excreted with other food waste. It also helps to reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, phospholipids, and increase good fat (HDL) levels.
Ginger rhizome
Contains essential oils and resins that can reduce cholesterol. Fat will be excrete along with other food waste, but it does not reduce triglyceride levels.
Moringa leaves
It is a household vegetable in ancient. Thai cuisine that has been used in many recipes. It inhibits the activity of enzymes, similar to statin drugs such as Pravastatin, which reduces cholesterol synthesis in the body.
Lemongrass leaves
From the experiment on drinking lemongrass leaf water. It was found that it resulted in a decrease in blood cholesterol levels and bad fats. According to ทางเข้า the amount consumed, but it did not have an effect on reducing triglyceride levels.
water spinach
Morning glory is another popular vegetable used in many Thai dishes. Experiments have found that it can significantly reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, which cause high fat in the blood, liver, kidneys, and heart.
Indian gooseberry
It has a very high antioxidant effect and contains active substances in the flavonoid and polyphenol groups that help reduce fat synthesis and enhance the destruction of cholesterol in the body. It helps reduce cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL levels by reducing absorption in the digestive system and increasing the excretion of fat along with other dietary fibers.
Bitter melon
A vegetable with a unique bitter taste that inhibits the activity of an enzyme that reduces cholesterol synthesis in the body.
Job’s tears
The research results found that Job’s tears contain polyphenols, which reduce cholesterol, fight free radicals, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Changing eating habits is more important than focusing on eating one type of food or one type for a long time. You should focus on eating more vegetables and fruits, reduce foods that are full of saturated fat, reduce greasy foods, fried foods, sweet drinks, exercise regularly, drink enough water and rest, which will help reduce fat in the blood. You should also see a doctor regularly to plan your health thoroughly.