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5 Foods You Shouldn’t Eat on an Empty Stomach

Empty stomach in the morning, hungry but in a hurry! What should you not eat? Because it may increase the risk of various digestive system diseases that damage long-term health! “Empty stomach” is a period of fasting for several hours, without having anything in the

3 Natural Vitamins to Nourish Your Heart

Vitamins help reduce the risk of heart disease, help maintain health, reduce the risk of heart disease, and what should heart disease patients not eat because they risk the disease exacerbating! One thing that can help reduce the risk of heart disease or strengthen the

“Tomatoes” Why shouldn’t you eat them raw?

Tomatoes are known as vegetables that are packed with lycopene. On the other hand, they are vegetables that should not be eaten raw because the body cannot absorb them well. Here are some tips on how to eat tomatoes to get the most benefit! Tomatoes,

What causes “knee cracking”?

Injuries to  The knees tend to occur in women more than men. Due to the physique of women, whose hips are wider than men’s, this causes the leg muscles to reach the knee joint to be slightly curved, not aligned with the inner bone like in men.

5 dangerous diseases that come with “rain”

During this rainy season, be careful of these diseases that come with the rain. Dr. Wasin Laowinij, a physician from the โปรโมชั่น ufabet and Social Medicine Department at Chulalongkorn Hospital, Thai Red Cross Society, mentioned the diseases that are common during the rainy season that

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How many passion fruit should you eat per day?

Recommended Amount: 3-4 passion fruit per day, which contains approximately 51-68 calories, is considered a suitable amount to receive the benefits of passion fruit without causing side effects. However, the appropriate amount may vary from person to person, depending on various factors such as age, weight, health, and overall

How to relieve stress?

Stress and high blood pressure are the main causes of heart and blood vessel disease. If you know that you are easily stressed, irritated, and have high blood pressure problems. Get enough sleep. If you don’t get enough sleep, less than 6 hours per night, or