Injuries to The knees tend to occur in women more than men. Due to the physique of women, whose hips are wider than men’s, this causes the leg muscles to reach the knee joint to be slightly curved, not aligned with the inner bone like in men. And because of this problem, women can experience problems with their knees cracking or their knees making a cracking sound when walking or sitting down from the floor or a low chair.

ยูฟ่าเบท, an orthopedic surgery specialist. Explain that the knee sounds when walking or sitting down is caused by the kneecap. Which is attached to the knee bone, moving when moving. It can happen to people aged 25-40, mostly women. This is because women’s physique causes the knee muscles to bend slightly, causing the kneecap. Which is attached to the knee bone, to move.
Knee cracking can be treated with hip exercises.
Since the root cause comes from the anatomy of the hip, therefore, hip exercises to strengthen the hip muscles. That extend to the knee help prevent leg movements. From causing the knee muscles to easily twist away from the patella. This helps prevent the patella from sliding into the groove, causing a cracking sound.
Exercises to strengthen the muscles in the knee area include sitting on a chair. And lifting your leg and holding it straight for 10 seconds. Or standing and stretching the affected leg back and holding it straight for 10 seconds. You can do each exercise 10 times.
For hip exercises that strengthen the hip muscles, including the muscles beside the knees, lie on your side, stretch your legs straight, and lift them up in the air for 10 seconds, 10 times. And lie on your side, bend your knees slightly. And spread your legs to open up the inside of the thigh, hold for 10 seconds, 10 times every day. About 80-90% of people who have cracking knees. When doing these exercises often have better symptoms or no more symptoms within 8 months.
In addition, regular exercise, maintaining a normal weight, eating foods. That help nourish bones such as milk, eggs, small fish that are high in calcium, and getting vitamin D from gentle sunlight in the morning can also help strengthen bones from the inside.